Skin Cancer Checks

Why you should arrange a Skin Check Now

  • High Risk: Two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70, making it a significant health concern for the majority of the population.
  • Prevalence: Melanoma, a particularly aggressive form of skin cancer, is the third most common cancer in Australia for both women and men, highlighting the importance of regular skin checks.
  • Early Detection: The sooner a skin cancer is detected and treated, the better your chances of avoiding extensive surgery and potential disfigurement. Early treatment is often less invasive and more effective.
  • Self-Check: Familiarize yourself with your skin to notice any changes that might suggest skin cancer. Look for crusty non-healing sores, new spots, freckles, or moles changing in color, size, or thickness. If you notice any changes, arrange an appointment immediately.
  • Prevention: Skin cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Regular skin checks help you stay aware of any skin changes, allowing for early intervention and treatment.

Our skin services

At Main Street Medical Centre, our doctors are dedicated to skin health, including prevention, skin checks, and suitable management of various conditions.

Comprehensive Skin Services

  •  Booking an Appointment: When making an online appointment for a skin check, please select the skin check appointment type to ensure adequate time is allocated for a thorough examination.
  • Duration and Preparation: Skin checks typically take between 15-30 minutes. To facilitate a comprehensive examination, we recommend wearing loose, comfortable clothing. You will need to undress to your underwear for a full skin check, or you can request specific areas to be checked. For added comfort, a chaperone (Registered Nurse) can be requested.
  • Advanced Technology: Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art dermatoscopes and DermEngine software, allowing for detailed examination and digital follow-up of any suspicious lesions.

The importance of Skin checks

Regular skin checks are essential for the early detection and prevention of skin cancer. Our doctors are trained to identify and manage various skin conditions, ensuring that you receive the best possible care.

Symptoms to Watch For:

  • Initial Signs: Skin cancers often appear as a new spot, lump, or scaly area on the skin, or a mole that changes color, size, or shape over several weeks or months. These changes can occur anywhere on the body, especially in areas frequently exposed to the sun.
  • ABCDE of Skin Cancer:
    • Asymmetry: Each side of the spot or mole looks different.
    • Border: Irregular, jagged, or spreading.
    • Colors: Several colors or an uneven blotchy appearance.
    • Diameter: Spots that are getting bigger.
    • Evolution: Changes in the spot or mole over time, including areas that are scaly, shiny, pale, or bright pink, or spots that grow quickly and are thick, red, scaly, or crusted.

What to Expect during your skin check

Our skin checks are designed to be thorough and comfortable. During your appointment:

  • Full Skin Examination: You will be asked to undress to your underwear for a full-body skin examination. You can also request only certain areas to be checked if you prefer.
  • Discussion of Findings: Our doctor will discuss any findings with you and explain possible treatments or next steps.
  • Chaperone Availability: A registered nurse can be present during your examination if you request.


  • Spot, Lump, or Scaly Area: Skin cancers often appear as a spot, lump, or scaly area on the skin.
  • Changes in Moles: Moles that change in color, size, or shape over several weeks or months.
  • Appearance: Changes can occur anywhere on the body, especially in sun-exposed areas. Skin cancers may bleed, become inflamed, and be tender to the touch.
  • ABCDE Guide: Use the ABCDE guide to check your skin regularly:
    • Asymmetry: Each side of the spot or mole looks different.
    • Border: Irregular, jagged, or spreading.
    • Colors: Several colors or an uneven blotchy appearance.
    • Diameter: Spots that are getting bigger.
    • Evolution: Changes in the spot or mole over time.

Treatment Options

  • Surgery: The cancerous spot is excised using a scalpel blade after the area is numbed with a local anesthetic. The doctor will remove a margin of surrounding tissue as well to ensure the entire skin cancer has been successfully excised. The wound is sealed with sutures and dressed.
  • Curettage: The doctor removes the skin cancer by scraping it with a sharp instrument and burning the tissue to eliminate cancer cell remnants. This is often used to treat superficial cancers confined to the top layer of skin.
  • Cryotherapy: The doctor freezes the skin cancer with liquid nitrogen, killing the tumor cells.
  • Topical Treatments: This involves the application of creams that stimulate the immune system and promote your body to destroy the cancer naturally.

monitoring and Follow up

If a skin cancer is diagnosed, your doctor will consider several factors to determine the best treatment, including:

  • Type of Skin Cancer: For example, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, or squamous cell carcinoma. Different cancers require different treatments.
  • Size and Location: Some cancers can spread over a larger area or penetrate deeper into tissues. The location of the cancer (e.g., arm vs. nose) also influences treatment options.
  • Spread: Whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
  • Surrounding Skin Condition: The condition of the skin around the cancer affects treatment suitability.


  • Consult (Skin Check):
    • Standard Fee: $89 - $130
    • Discount Fee (Concession card holders): Bulk-billed
    • DVA Gold/White (Skin cancer specified): Bulk-billed

      Procedure (Skin Cancer)

      Standard Fee

      (No Concession)

      Discount Fee

      (Centrelink Concession Card)


      $50.00 for 1-2 biopsies.

      $25 for subsequent biopsies

      Bulk Billed

      Skin cancer surgery including additional wound care and suture removal

      $200 - $400

      (Out of pocket cost: $100)

      $150 - $350

      (Out of pocket cost: $50-$75)

      Surgery requiring skin grafts/flaps

      $400 - $950

      (Out of pocket cost: $200)

      $400 - $950

      (Out of pocket cost: $100-$150)

      Non-skin cancer excision and other surgeries

      $200 - $400

      (Out of pocket cost: $200)

      $150 - $350 (

      Out of pocket cost: $150)

  • Small Wounds: $89 with a rebate of $42.85
  • Large/Chronic Wounds: $140 with a rebate of $42.85

Contact Us

For more information about our skin cancer services in Hervey Bay or to book an appointment, please call Main Street Medical Centre on (07) 4325 4000.